Monday, February 17, 2014

Drinking up while out on a winter run

Winter is a good time to go out and experience the outdoors. It is even better when you are out in the mountains where you are closer to nature to soak up the sights and sounds. However, the more adventurous side of you can take this opportunity to go running outdoors in near subzero conditions. When you do go out for a run, keep in mind that you need to keep hydrated as the body’s efforts to generate more heat will cause you to sweat more. You can avoid this from happening by following some simple steps.

Plan how many miles you intend to run in any given day and prepare to stock as much fluids as you can possibly carry. Take note that cold temperatures increase the blood’s viscosity which adds more pressure for the heart to pump blood to your body. Wear comfortable but light winter apparel, especially those designed to trap moisture in. It can be hard to gauge your level of sweating amidst all the clothes, so you need to weigh yourself before and after the run and replenish yourself with 16 ounces of fluid for every pound you shed.
Some running experts state that you need to drink fluids even when not in critical points of the run. This helps replenish the electrolytes. A hydration pack close to your body and covered with the clothes will help keep you hydrated throughout the run.

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